
Debugging functions:    browser    traceback    debug    undebug

Since R is interactive it is usually very easy to debug your functions.  The main debugging tool in R is the function debug.  When the statement
is inserted in a function the function halts at that point and you can then display the values of variables up to that point or enter:

n for execute next line and then halt
c continue execution until then end of the function
Q exit the function immediately

Some variables names, like c, may collide with builtin R objects.  In browser debug mode these variables are displayed by using the print function, print(c), rather than just entering c.

You can also enter browser mode immediately at the beginning of the function with debug(func), where func is the name of your function.  Then when you run the func it immediately enter browser mode starting at the line.  To remove the debugging flag:    undebug(func)

When a function terminates with an error entering traceback() will show you which function generated that error.  This is useful if there are many nested functions.