Statistics 9932a:  Mathematical Tools for Probability and Statistics

Instructor :  R J Kulperger, WSC 231

    phone 83627 (on campus), 519-661-3627 from outside UWO 


The university is closed on December 8, 2010.  Since it is not known if the course will be open yet on December 9, we will postpone the exam to a suitable common time.   The students should email me with their exam and proctoring schedules for the rest of the exam period and I will suggest a common time and room.


Lecture Times :  Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3:30 - 4:30 PM, WSC 248

Change in lecture times : The lectures will now be at 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM MWF, WSC 248.

Course outline :  Outline2010.pdf

Some real analysis notes by Eric Sawyer, posted with his permission :  Sawyer_Real_Analysis.pdf

Care in writing is important. CommonThought.png This cartoon is from, a statistical teaching resource.

Some useful inequalities Holder-Minkowski.pdf

A summary of some parts of Rudin useful for complex variables  rudinsum.pdf



Last updated November 8, 2010