Statistics 3858 January to April 2019

Introduction to the Theory of Statistics

Extra TA office hour Feb 12, 2019 : 3:30-4:30 WSC 250.

1. Instructor R. J. Kulperger  WSC 231. 

e-mail: Email sent to my other UWO address are automatically forwarded to my mailbox.

phone 519-661-3627 (or 83627 on campus).

2. Course outline:  A link will be provided.

Text :  Rice, Mathematical Statistics, Third Edition.  Note this is the same textbook as used in Statistics 3657a.

3. Lecture schedule 11:30 AM to 12:20 PM, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, WSC 240.

Tutorial :  Wednesday 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, will start as soon as TA duties are arranged.


4.  Handout are located at Handouts

5.  homework.htm

6. Office hours :

 RJK :   Monday, Friday 2:30-3:30. I will also be available after class on Monday and Wednesday 12:30 – 1 PM if a student requests this time. I remind students that there are no office hours on the day of tests or exams.

 TA Office Hour :  WSC 250 10:30-11:20 AM each Tuesday.

Extra TA office hour Feb 12, 2019 : 3:30-4:30 WSC 250.

Extra TA office hour Mar 18, 2019 : 3:30-4:30 WSC 250.

Office and TA times during the exam period

TA : Wednesday April 17, 2019 2-3 PM WSC 250

TA : Tuesday April 23, 2019 10:30-11:30 WSC 250

RJK : Thursday April 25, 2019 : 10-11:30 AM WSC 248

There are no office hours on the days of the tests.

Tutorial :  Jan 16, 2019

 7.  Exam : Sunday April 28 7:00 – 10 PM SSC 2028

Midterm: There will be 2 one hour tests, held during the tutorial time.

8.  Some miscellaneous comments misc.htm